BNI Alliance

About BNI Alliance

BNI, Business Networking International, is the world's largest referral networking organization where business owners gather in meetings to help expand and increase their businesses. In Hong Kong, BNI's presence and influence is massive. There are 70-80 different BNI chapters, one of which is BNI Alliance.

BNI Alliance consists of entrepreneurs and directors in the food wholesale, education, accounting, health, apparel, and finance industry. The culture for BNI Alliance is very tight knit and warm because this chapter continues to invest time and efforts to build a strong foundation. Building trusted relationships is crucial for business development and this is what we are all about.

Team Building

In the previous in-person BNI Alliance team meeting, the director reached out to Easy Embroidery Company to help them with team identity. She requested assistance to help produce apparel that will bring the team spirit of the project with a short deadline. With our mockups and communications, we were able to assist in bringing the fun atmosphere to their team building meeting.

Everyone had a great time and established deeper relationships. BNI Alliance continues to grow.

Team Meetings

BNI Alliance hosts inhouse meetings which helps the entrepreneurs and directors brainstorm and find different ways to cooperate and to expand their reach. These meetings bring a sense of togetherness and team unity, as well as goal oriented planning to help with business operations.

For more information:

Please visit BNI Alliance if you are interested to build your business network

Facebook: @AllianceBNI